Smt. Anandiben Patel
Hon’ble Chancellor & Governor, U.P.

Prof. J. P. Pandey
Vice Chancellor, AKTU, Lucknow, U.P.
From the Desk of Chairman

Mr. Raghav Rastogi
Seth Vishambhar Nath Group of Educational Institutions
“Education is an endless journey through knowledge and enlightenment.”
Dr. Abdul Kalam
These words by Dr. Abdul Kalam flawlessly represent our aim at “Seth Vishambahar Nath Group of Educational Institution”, “Building a future for youth is a tough task, but building youth for the time ahead” is something we define here. We at Seth Vishambhar Nath Group believe that quality and so our motto, “Adherence to quality” becomes the fulcrum on which all our activities are designed and implemented.
Dear students, You are the future innovators of society and this is our ardent wish that the time you spend in “Seth Vishambahar Nath Group of Educational Institution” will accourte you for the forthcoming challenges.
We are enhancing our college at all levels, this would aid and support our students, the upcoming nation builders to gain fine qualities that you will assimilate, and the skills you will learn will be leading beneficence for them.
The philosophy on which this citadel of learning is conceived is to teach the student to master not just study, any dream is incomplete without a vision and our strategy here is not just to create a future for you but to make sure you have the expertise for any unique challenge. There are different tasks and we put prodigious energy to inculcate your accomplishment.
“Knowledge becomes power only when it is put into use.”
From the Desk of Director

Dr. Bipin Bihari
Director, SVNIPS
It gives me immense pleasure to say a few words about the credentials of our Institute. The Institute was established in 2018, with the aim of being recognized as CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE in the field of Pharmacy education & being born with the motive to provide quality education. Academic Institutions require consistent devotion and momentous efforts to transform your future.
The responsibilities of today’s pharmacist are growing in society and the global community. Pharmacists have earned a reputation as medical experts and are an essential element of the health care team. To make this goal a reality, we promote high-quality pharmaceutical science education, training, and research. We also develop pharmacists who are capable and innovative.
We are confident that our students will succeed in their pursuit of a successful profession and prosperity, thanks to the efforts of the SVNIPS faculty team. My goal is to help and support aspiring pharmacists in attaining their academic, personal, and professional objectives by creating a sense of community that promotes learning and overall student development. We collaborate with students to present them with a variety of experiences throughout their academic career.
I would thank the institute’s management, professors, staff, and students for their hard work and dedication to making dreams a reality. I am delighted to welcome you here and encourage you to explore our perfect academic environment.
Mr. Shailendra Kumar Srivastava
Contact No.: +91-9621368941
E-Mail ID: registrar@svn.ac.in
Website Link: https://svn.ac.in/
Sr. No | Name | Designation | Email-ID |
1 | Mr. Raghav Rastogi | Chairman | svn.edu.society@gmail.com |
2 | Dr. Bipin Bihari | Director | svnpharmacy.dewa@gmail.com |
3 | Mr. Shailendra Kumar Srivastava | Registrar | registrar@svn.ac.in |